A Guide To Why Your PU Coating Isn’t Sticking To Tape?

A Guide To Why Your PU Coating Isn’t Sticking To Tape


We all know that these hair replacement systems are the perfect non-surgical alternative for those individuals who are facing hair loss or thinning problems. These systems will help you in providing instant styling and volume to your existing hair. But have you ever wondered why your PU coating isn’t sticking to tape? Well, you are not alone in this case. Many wearers have faced issues regarding adhesion which could lead them to extreme frustration, discomfort, and the risk of lifting their hair replacement system from the edges.

In this guide blog, we are going to discuss about the significant common reasons why your hair replacement system bases fail to adhere properly, along with the ultimate solutions which are suggested by professional’s stylists. We will guide you through additional tips for attaching the system. So let’s get into the specifics!

COMMON REASONS: Why Your PU Coating Isn’t Sticking To Tape

COMMON REASONS: Why Your PU Coating Isn’t Sticking To Tape

So, if your PU coating isn’t sticking to tape then you might need to explore these common reasons behind this issue. Whether it’s about temperature effects to surface residue every problem has its particular solution.

Here are some common reasons mentioned for weak adhesion and solutions to fix them at an early stage.

1. Conditioner Residue

In order to create a barrier between the tape and the PU surface, many manufacturers coat the NPU (Nano Polyurethane) base with a protective layer of conditioner. This residue stops the tape from adhering properly if it is not cleaned.

SOLUTION: You should wash your NPU base with any alcohol-based cleaner or suitable mild soap for the cleaning of any residual or grease. After that, make sure the base is completely dry before you apply the tape to it.

2. Low Temperature Affecting Tape Adhesion

Extreme cold can prevent tape adhesives from activating correctly, so they work best in a moderate temperature range. Low temperatures can cause the adhesive to become overly brittle or stiff, which weakens its ability to adhere firmly to the PU surface. This may result in poor adhesion, which could cause the tape to lift or break too soon. For the best tape performance, the proper temperature conditions must be maintained.

SOLUTION: Before the usage, you can store your tape in any warm area. Then slightly warm the PU surface and tape with a blow dryer before any application. This will improve the effectiveness of the adhesive.

3. Too Smooth NPU Surface

Adhesion is challenging on a perfectly smooth PU base because it lacks the texture the tape needs to stick to. In the absence of surface friction, the tape finds it difficult to adhere firmly, which eventually causes lifting as well as peeling.
SOLUTION: You should always try to lightly roughen the area by using any sanding block or fine sandpaper. With its micro-texture, you will readily create a better grasp for the adhesive.

4. Quality of Tape Directly Affects Its Adhesion

It is unfortunate if you have a large supply of insignificant tape rolls. You cannot get them to stick the way you want. In addition to this, outdated tapes will not stick because the tape adhesive simply does not last forever.
SOLUTION: Try to get rid of all of your bad tapes and try to select only the strongest toupee tapes that includes Walker. These toupee tapes are specifically made for attaching toupees and hairpieces. It is also necessary to remember the tape’s expiration date.

5. Process of Greasing Leads to Poor Adhesion

The base of new hair systems is typically oily. In order to guarantee that the hair strands are smooth, we typically apply oil to the hair before shipping hair systems from the factory. The base typically has a greasy surface after this greasing step. Undoubtedly, no tape can stick to a surface that has oil on it.
SOLUTION: You should always try to use a sulfate-free shampoo to remove the oil from newly installed hair systems and wash them thoroughly in lukewarm water.

How to Wash and Prepare a Hair System for Better Adhesion?

How to Wash and Prepare a Hair System for Better Adhesion

The following crucial procedures should be followed to prepare your lace or skin hair system if its base is greasy, and feels excessively slippery. Moreover, it prevents the tape from sticking correctly:
1. Wash the Hair System: Try to apply any professional quality shampoo on the base to remove any residual or grease which might be the reason behind poor adhesion.
2. Rinse and Condition: Now, for rinsing the shampoo thoroughly you will need lukewarm water. After that apply any suitable hair conditioner to smooth and soften the strands of hair.
3. Dry the Base: You should always use a blow dryer to make sure the base is completely dry. This technique will work best for both skin and lace bases.
4. Remove Grease with Alcohol: For extra cleansing, you can also spray 96% alcohol on the base. In this way, you can readily clear out any micro particles or grease. After this application process, again dry out the base.
5. Apply Quality Tape: At last, it is recommended to select high-quality adhesive base tape according to the preference of your client. For a secure attachment, apply it correctly, and adhering to expert advice.

Step-by-Step Solution to Fix Adhesion Issues

For an instance, if the base of your hair replacement system is too slipper after washing it then you might need to follow these simple steps in order to incorporate it for better adhesion.

• Step 1: Clean the Surface

Clean the Surface

Start by cleaning the NPU surface. Use a soft cloth to wipe away any dust, hair, or oils. This is essential because you want a clean surface for the sanding and tape application.

• Step 2: Sand the NPU Surface

Sand the NPU Surface

Next, take your fine sandpaper or sanding block and gently sand the NPU surface. Focus on the areas where the tape will be applied. The goal is to lightly roughen up the surface to create more texture for the adhesive to grip onto. You don’t need to overdo it—just enough to create a slight texture. Be careful not to press too hard. You only need a very light texture to improve adhesion.

• Step 3: Clean Again

After sanding, wipe away any dust or particles left on the surface. This ensures the surface is clean before you apply the tape.

Additional Tips on Attaching the Hair System

One of the most challenging tips is how you will attach the hair replacement system. For this, you need to use premium quality professional hair system tapes with the expiration date mentioned on them. The next step is make sure the scalp of your client and attachment area is clean and free of any oil. Moreover, the tape surface should also be clean and dry. Lastly, squeeze out any air bubbles and press them down firmly to make sure the client’s scalp is properly contacted.

BONO HAIR: The Trusted Hair Replacement System Solution

BONO HAIR: The Trusted Hair Replacement System Solution

BONO HAIR is the best option for people searching for the best PU-coated hair systems that ensure exceptional adhesion. The premium PU coatings used in the design of their high-quality hair replacement systems guarantee a solid tape bond, lowering the possibility of slippage and improving comfort. With BONO HAIR, you can enjoy long-lasting wear, a natural-looking appearance, and hassle-free maintenance. The unique feature that sets BONO HAIR apart is that it offers base designs, hair densities, and lengths that are customized to meet the individual needs of each client. . Because this brand is perfectly specialized in custom-made hairpieces, it offers alternatives for people with alopecia, thinning hair, hair loss, and anyone wishing to modify their overall existing appearance.


In the end, we can conclude that securing your PU-coated hair replacement system to stick properly to tape is significant for comfortable and seamless fitting. For this purpose, try to comprehend common adhesion reasons with solutions discussed in this blog. So you can easily enjoy styling with your hair replacement system without worrying about slippage.
At BONO HAIR, you will be able to get best hair replacement systems that are perfectly designed for superior and strong adhesion. Over a decade, this brand is the leading manufacturer of men and women hair systems. It will offer you with premium range of high-quality hair systems in a wide variety of sizes and colors to meet your client’s needs. Upgrade your hairstyling game with BONO HAIR today.


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