A Complete Step-by-Step Guide: How to Cut Layers in a Wig Topper?

How to Cut Layers in a Wig Topper a Comprehensive Guide


Wig Toppers are an excellent way to improve your overall physical appearance by covering up thinning regions, and adding extra volume. But your brand-new topper might not give you natural hair movement because of its sleekness. Therefore, the ideal way to make your wig topper come to life and give it a dynamic and more natural-looking appearance is by adding layers. In this article, we will guide you through a step-by-step process on “how to cut layers in a wig topper” nevertheless of your level of experience. You can effortlessly achieve salon-quality upshots in the comfort of your own home with the correct tools and techniques. So let’s start unwinding the steps!

What You Will Need And How To Prepare?

Here is a list of a few tools that you might need before starting the process of layering. So let’s explore each tool before the preparation as follows:

• A pair of sharp scissors: Try to use those scissors that are particularly made for clean and precise haircuts to achieve a professional-looking appearance.

• Tooth Comb: If you have a fine tooth comb then it would be easier for you to detangle and make evenly hair sections.

Pair of hair clippers: You are required to have hair clips to make hair sections into more manageable partitions.

• Spray Bottle: Before hair cutting you might spray your damp hair for ease.

• Stand for wig or Head of Mannequin: It will make your topper more stable during the layering process.


The first step is washing and drying your topper completely will help you to get rid of any product buildup. To maintain stability throughout the procedure, fasten it to a wig stand or mannequin head. Then please make sure the cutting surface is smooth by using a comb to gently untangle the hair. Finally, to make cutting easier and more accurate, divide the hair into smaller sections using clips.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cutting Layers

Step-by-Step Guide to Cutting Layers

You might have an idea that the procedure of layering can be a little complicated compared to other haircuts. During the cutting, you will need to be more focused and keep an eye to achieve your perfect layered haircut. For this purpose, we have made a guide of easy steps to help you in getting the salon-style professional cut at home. So let us start beginning with steps as follows:

STEP 1- In this first step, start making the horizontal sections of the hair topper and then from the bottom area. For ease, try to use clippers in the upper layers this trick will help you in time management as well as you can easily work on other sections.

STEP 2– in the second step you should decide on the shorter layer and then use it as a reference for cutting other layers as well. So if you require more dramatic and volumizing layers with face framing then tell it to your hairstylist.

STEP 3– in this third step, you should hold the sections of hair in between your fingers and then cut them into small layers at an angle. You will start from the front and then move towards the crown area. This technique will take time but it will prevent overcutting.

STEP 4 – In this fourth step, once you are completely done with cutting the first layers then start blending them with texturizing scissors. This method will guarantee you with smooth and soften hair transition.

STEP 5 – In this fourth step, take your steps back and then determine your topper from different angles. If you find any uneven layers then smooth out to make sure each layer is more balanced and symmetrical.

STEP 6 – In this last step, run your finger in the hair topper and then shake it gently to check how each layer falls. For achieving your look of dreams you can also make final adjustments with the layers.

Tips for Styling and Caring for Your Layers

Caring is the first and foremost step for keeping your layers in neat and good condition. Consider using an old or cheap topper to gain confidence before cutting your favorite piece if you’re new to cutting. So here we will let you know about some useful tips and tricks for styling and caring for your layers as followed:

  • Hairstyling: Always try to use a flat iron or curling iron for adding shapes on layers because it will enhance the movement. With layers and curls, your layers will immediately pop up and highlight your appearance more radiantly.
  • Haircare Products: To keep the style without making the hair feel heavy, use lightweight styling products like mousse or hairspray.
  • Care and Maintenance: To maintain its shape, store your topper on a stand. Gently brush it to prevent tangling.

Best Wholesale Brand for High-Quality Wig Toppers


At BONO HAIR, you will easily find wig toppers that are so simple to customize, style, and maintain. This brand uses high-quality materials that allow these toppers to blend perfectly with your natural hair. They are perfectly designed for comfort, durability, and a natural look. To adjust a range of needs, BONO HAIR toppers come in a variety of styles, lengths, and base designs and are made to resist frequent styling and cutting. For your next styling event, try to peruse their collection to find the ideal topper.


It’s crucial to pick a premium product that provides durability and versatility when choosing a wig topper to customize with layers. A variety of outstanding toppers from BONO HAIR are ideal for layering and styling. Here are a few excellent choices:

1. STELLA Silk Base Human Hair Topper

One of BONO HAIR’s best products is the STELLA Silk Base Human Hair Topper, which is made to look realistic and natural. It is nearly undetectable thanks to its silk base, which resembles a real scalp. This topper, which is made entirely of human hair, blends seamlessly with your natural hair and is ideal for layering and styling.

2. MYRA Artificial Hair Integrations Topper

Another great choice is the MYRA Artificial Hair Integrations Topper, which has a mesh base for optimal comfort and breathability. This topper is the perfect option for people searching for fashionable and lightweight solutions because it is made to blend in perfectly with your natural hair.


In the end, we can conclude that it is not as hard as you might think to learn “how to cut layers in a wig topper”. You can easily turn your hair topper into a unique hairpiece that will both feel and look natural by using the correct equipment, planning, and steadiness. This means the process of layering will let you show off your individual style statement in addition to adding movement and dimension.